Covid killed my internship: what do I do now?

Getting an internship during covid-19 is like winning the lottery, it’s rare and when you get it, it’s a real prize. But that’s no reason to worry. Lost your internship? Here is the solution. Harpreet,…

Hospitality in decline

It’s been a week since London went into tier two of the lockdown restrictions. In that time much has been made of its effect on the hospitality sector. Pubs and restaurants have born a lot…

VoL Podcast: Proposed UK/US Trade Deal opponents

On this episode, we spoke to three protesters who went to Parliament Square on Saturday 24 October to campaign against a proposed UK/US trade deal, otherwise known as the ‘Anti-Trump Protest’. [soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true” width=”100%”…

Is Brexit affecting the NHS?

The potential effects of Brexit in the NHS are a major concern in Britain right now. Many speculate that the instability of the deadlock may discourage nurses, doctors and other specialised staff to come to…

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