
Clash of the consoles: round three

Sony and Microsoft are preparing to go head-to-head with the release of two new consoles in the holiday season of 2020 Sony and Microsoft have announced their highly anticipated ninth-generation consoles – PlayStation 5 and…

Day of the Dead Recipe

Mexico celebrates the day of the dead with colourful masks, extravagant parades, decorated skulls and folklore costumes filling the country with joy by giving tributes to the dead. Disney has covered this theme by telling…

The Social Media(tion) of technology

How smartphones and social media has vastly changed our behaviours positively and negatively The vast advancement of technology throughout the past three decades has amazed us all. With the rise of elements such as the internet,…

Insta-worthy holidays? Where?

Young Londoners always seem to be jetting off on mini-breaks, and you hear all about it on their Instagram.  I did a little bit of research and digging for you… Words and presenting by Eleanor…

6 Creepy tours perfect for Halloween

October. The month of crisp leaves and cold nights, but more importantly, Halloween. Take a break from alcohol-induced fancy dress parties or messy student nights and delve into London’s backstreets. Explore the city’s bloody and…

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