A little less conversation and a lot more tributes, please?

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo

George Michael, Whitney Houston and Elvis; what one thing (besides perfect hair and wardrobe) do these three singers have in common?

You want to see them live – but you can’t. 

Some of the best music today was written 30, 40 years before most of us were born. Unfortunately, a lot of our favourite singers are no longer able to grace fans with live performances and tours. As human beings that crave entertainment from people we idolise, how do we fill this void? The answer is easy – with tribute acts. 

Tribute acts include typical fans like us, who hold a particular set of skills and talents to be able to play the role of our idol’s character, whilst doing so in a respectful and memorable way. Sometimes the acts can even be so good, you feel like you’re experiencing the real-deal in a more accessible and affordable way than ever before. These impersonators are vital to keeping the legacy of those we adore alive – and they don’t have to be tributes to only dead musicians. Without them, those who want to experience their favourite musicians perform, are deprived of completing entertainment milestones. 

There is also a significant portion of people that are uninterested in hearing original music, as they can’t sing along or dance to it. They fear the unexpected, because it’s something they haven’t heard on the radio. So for this reason, tribute acts are also an important way of keeping people who aren’t extremely musically inclined, interested and entertained in the entertainment industry.

Understand that not all tribute acts are going to be good tribute acts, and not all tribute acts make decent money – because then we would have no original artists and a world full of tributes. But those who tick both boxes, would have performed for artists such as Katy Perry, Bjork and many more.

So without further ado, here are a few tribute acts in London that are definitely worth seeing.

Absolutely Britney Brunch Show

It’s Britney Brunch. Two of the best things brought to existence by the human race.

Elvis Tribute Cruise

As if Elvis couldn’t become anymore timeless. You now get to experience him like never before, whilst cruising down the Thames with classic drinks, top-tier food and endless dancing.

Sunday With The Stars‘ at The Orchard Theatre

Introducing Sunday’s with stars such as Adele, Michael Jackson and The Beatles (nearly), preparing you for a memorable afternoon with performances and Sunday roast’s you’ll devour.

Words: Charissa Halsey | Subbing: Shakira Bruce-Abubakar

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