Pro-Brexiteers took to the streets to convey their discontent and frustration as further Brexit delays mean the UK remains part of EU past the initially set Halloween Leave date.
Once jam-packed with Remainers during the recent People’s Vote March – Downing St, the Houses of Parliament and Whitehall were instead filled with pro-Brexit demonstrators, highlighting the ongoing divide gripping the nation.
Emotionally charged campaigners were laden with union jacks, political signages, Farage facemasks, Boris wigs and Halloween costumes. A culmination of pro-Brexit sentiment and Halloween spirit.
Gatwick Airport worker, Jacob Francis, of Crawley echoed the group’s message: “We are here to show what the media isn’t. The media want us to be the forgotten majority, 52 per cent voted leave let’s not forget.”
London as a city voted in majority to remain in the EU, but is a small bubble in England as a whole overwhelmingly voted to leave.
With MPs unable to agree on a proposed timetable for the PM’s Brexit deal to be implemented, the EU agreed to delay Brexit until January 31, 2020. Triggering a subsequent general election to be held on December 12.
Hult International Business School student, Thomas Cuderéland from Brussels, did not share the march’s pro-leave message: “Compared to the riots people were screaming that would take place if Brexit didn’t happen today, there’s almost no one here even close to the People’s Vote March, embarrassing.”
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has vowed that the new Brexit deal is “oven ready” and the UK will leave the EU by January. A message likely to take the forefront of the Conservatives newly launched campaign for the upcoming general election.
Johnson’s comments come after previously stating he would rather be “dead in a ditch“ than see Brexit delayed past October 31st.

Taken by and with permision of: Luca McHugh
Words: Ferris Shaw | Images: Luca McHugh | Subbing: Michelle Del Rey