Rihanna declines offer for Superbowl halftime show: Will boycotting it matter?

Rumor has it that the Bajan star Rihanna has turned down the offerĀ to perform at the Superbowl halftime show.

The stage is often rocked by the biggest figures in music, such as U2, Madonna and Katy Perry, but the singer has decided to stick to whatā€™s right in her eyes. She does not approve of the NFLā€™s stance in the controversial situation regarding Colin Kaepernick.

The former quarterback NFL player, now the face of Nikeā€™s new campaign #Justdoit, sparked a movement when he knelt during the national anthem back in 2016 to raise awareness against police brutality within the black community and racial inequality.

Listen down below for more.

Some believe that Kaepernickā€™s message has been widely misinterpreted as against the flag rather than a fight for racial justice. Unfortunately, the sportsmanā€™s activism is during a time in society where the boundaries of racism are still being defined.

Hereā€™s an example: On Tuesday morning, the NBC show host Megyn Kelly doubted whether there was any issue with blackface and white people dressing in blackface for Halloween. The comments come after centuries of white people donning blackface in an effort to dehumanize black people.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VY1Hf2taOPY?start=240&w=560&h=315]

The response from the web has been harsh and pushed the presenter to apologise for even insinuating that blackfacing was acceptable.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXCzo4wL_0s&w=560&h=315]

However, Riri is not the only one to support Kaepernickā€™s courage to stand his ground for his community. The comedian Amy Schumer took to Instagram to say that she will not do any ads aired during the Superbowl.

But despite the force of these two celebs, it will not change the NFLā€™s agenda. These celebrities are counting on the support of many more people to advocate for Kaepernick and his cause.

In the meanwhile, we hope to be a witness to a significant change in society. #Justdoit


Words and Audio: Federica Riondino

Subbing: Millie Richardson

Music: Roalty Free Bensound



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