Erdem X H&M from the centre of the event

A look at Erdem X H&M, a partnership inspired by English gardens.

The new collaboration, which was released just today, is not H&M’s first big partnership. The brand has already worked with designers such as Karl Largafell, Balmain, Versage, Stella McCartney and others. And with every new release also comes the chaos of the first opening.

By Daily Mail

Two years ago, when the brand was about to introduce its collaboration with Balmain, people were queuing for days in the cold just to be among the first to get into the store. As you can imagine, the chaos was real, so H&M had to call the police for help. In other words, a fashion nightmare.

Two years have passed, and we decided to have a look at how busy it was at H&M this year. And surprisingly, but also lucky for us – it was a happy afternoon.


Seems like this year the brand was prepared. There was a good organisation, more staff, more security, and time for everything. However, the stress and tension apparently transferred online, where a lot of the pieces were already unavailable.

Of course, the release of the collection did not go without any stress or tension. But overall, this year everything seems to be pretty calm. So if you want to go and check H&M x Erdem for yourself – you can do it. It is safe this time.

Words: Omar Balde | Subbing: Zornitsa Valkova

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