Discovering the sound of Christmas

Christmas is a time of joy, with magic lights hanging all over the city and people giving gifts to each other. But trust us, none of this would make any sense without a good soundtrack.

From Bing Crosby’s White Christmas, a classic of the season, to Sia’s newest holiday album, Everyday is Christmas, we went out in the cold to explore the sound of Christmas. Obviously, we did not chase every Christmas song that was ever made – that would take us at least until 2021, and even then the list would be incomplete.

What we did was to understand what makes all these Christmas songs so distinctive, unique and recognisable. We talked a little bit about this in our podcast, but Dan Donovan, a music specialist from the University of Westminster, explain us better what is the real deal with these Christmas songs.

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Knowing that information, we came up with a list of Christmas songs that will get you in the spirit of the season. Happy holidays!

Words: Omar Balde | Subbing: Madalina Corjuc

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