Courtesy of: PowerTV
If you haven’t already watched the latest install of STARZ’s popular show ‘Power’, we have a spoiler-free set of memes compiled to give you an insight on how you may feel when you do.
There was a lot of anticipation for the mid-season finale of ‘Power’, which was executively produced by the legendary rapper 50 Cent. Did it live up to expectations?

Courtesy of: Giphy.com
The 110-minute long episode was packed with multiple plot twists. However, criticism has been that a lot of those twists were very predictable (if you’re a serious fan, whatever you’re thinking is probably right).

Courtesy of: Giphy.com
Viewers saw the return of familiar faces. Whether they were actually necessary for the plot is up for debate. However, the reference to said characters was a nice surprise.

Courtesy of: Giphy.com
The final moments of the episode were dramatic but overall anti-climatic. Although, the writers could be using the episode as a set up to surprise audiences later.

Courtesy of: Giphy.com
Now the waiting game for the finale begins. The final five episodes will be aired from the 5th of January on various streaming sites.
By Mazvita Musendo
All gifs are courtesy of Giphy.com