mental health

Low moods and high hems: What is it about fashion and mental health?

Can “no great genius has ever existed without a strain of madness” be maintained when it’s the stress of budget…

4 years ago

Yoga Paws UK: Yoga with puppies benefiting Londoners’ health

Yoga Paws UK is one of the few yoga studios in London that offers stress-free and calming yoga sessions but…

4 years ago

DBT: the key to unlocking a life worth living

Although DBT, or dialectical behavioural therapy, was developed to treat illnesses such as Borderline Personality Disorder, its easy-to-follow skills are…

4 years ago

Is Dear Evan Hansen a good representation of mental health?

Dear Evan Hansen is one of the newest shows to transfer to London's West End after a continued successful run on…

4 years ago

The Dark World of K-Pop

This article follows the lives of many K-Pop stars who have been involved as either perpetrator or victim with cases of suicide,…

4 years ago

Psych meds: like Advil, but better

There’s an incredible amount of stigma surrounding psychiatric medication. Sure, people are growing to accept mental illness as, well, an…

4 years ago