The march starts from Hyde Park, Credits: Sonakshi Sharma
Over 600,000 people are estimated to have taken part in today’s march that started from Hyde Park and caused traffic through central London.
Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London gave a speech to encourage the energetic protest.
Speeches by Deborah Meaden, Delia Smith, Christian Broughton, Editor of The Independent and NUS officials were also made along with youngsters from UK in the Parliament square – all demanding a second vote.
People from all walks of life raised the EU flag and banners to question the current Brexit situation.
Protesters begin marching at Hyde Park, Credit: Sonakshi Sharma
Over 600,000 people marched, Credit: Sonakshi Sharma
One of many banners to show support, Credit: Sonakshi Sharma
Banners in Parliament Square, Credit: Sonakshi Sharma
A cuppa joe before the speeches at Parliament Square, Credit: Sonakshi Sharma
A student supporter waves the EU flag, Credit: Sonakshi Sharma
Dutch couple travelled to London for the march, Credit: Sonakshi Sharma
A supporter of People's Vote March hopes to remain in the EU, Credit: Sonakshi Sharma
A little girl expresses her support, Credit: Sonakshi Sharma
More banners from the march, Credit: Sonakshi Sharma
Posing a tough question for us all, Credit: Sonakshi Sharma
Here to make a change at the #PeoplesVoteMarch, Credit: Sonakshi Sharma
People from across the UK started their journey this morning to Park Lane in central London to express their concerns for a bad deal or no deal Brexit.
#PeoplesVoteMarch is now trending on Twitter. As the day draws to a close, the UK remains hopeful for a response from Downing Street. Will this march make a difference?
Words, Photographs, Top Video : Sonakshi Sharma I Camera Assistance, Subbing : Min Zhu